March 15, 2011

It's Official!!!

The votes are in and it is officially official! I am indeed the worlds WORST blogger! :P There's just so much to do and with limited internet time, blogging is not always high on my list! Sorry :/

Pictures will have to wait untill we get home (although I might be able to post 1 or 2). The connection here is so slow it takes forever to upload and we only have one computer to get online with and 3 users, so my time here is very limited!

Anyways....catch up....
LAST week we did indeed get all the joints taped, the texture sprayed, and the walls and ceiling painted in all of the appartment except for the bedrooms and master bath. Those will be done (Lord willing!) by tomorrow or Thursday. Since we have 5 people here working, only two are on that particular project now. Dan is bouncing between tasks, and Jordan and I have our own  project this week. Finishing the church pews!

They had the benches all put together and have been using them for some time now, but we are working on putting the finishing touches on them....which is QUITE a task! We have taken all of the benches apart and are currently working on rounding off the sharp edges with my new favorite power tool, the router (I think thats how you spell it :P Its in Ukrainian on the package, so I'm just guessing!), after which we use the belt sander and the orbital sander (My "man language" vocabulary is expanding! :D)! I'm having fun with this process, but it is very hard on my back, leaning over a table all day!
Anyways, we are still working on getting power to the building, but we did get running water hooked up today :) Thats pretty exciting for us :)

In other news, we bought a couple bikes last week to get us around while we're here. After we leave we will give them to Volodia and Luda, the couple living in the Annex. I think it will be a nice gift for them :)

ALSO, the cold snap seems to be over! Its been in the 40's and 50's for the last week! Very nice compared to -10! :)

Prayer wise, Tanya is back in the hospital. This time she is in Kiev. The hospital here in Barishivka set her arm wrong, so they have to rebreak it and then set it properly. She is pretty discouraged!
Also, the previous pastor, Vascilli (he resigned to take care of his family), has broken his leg pretty seriously. He is also in the hospital in Kiev.
Which brings me to my NEXT prayer request, the church here could greatly use some prayer! They are really struggling with legalism here (and I think thats a common theme in Russia and Ukraine). A lot of people are stuck on things like women wearing scarves to cover there hair in church, not wearing makeup, and silly things like that. They are also dealing with doctorine issues, fighting about eternal security vs. losing your salvation in specific. The Russian Orthodox church believes in losing your salvation (I happen to be on the OTHER side of the fence) and it flows over into the other churches. Part of the reason Vascilli left was because one of his children died and some church members said it was because he preaches eternal security and are saying that is the reason he has broken his leg as well. I don't care which side of the issue you're on, that is just wrong! And it has driven his wife away from church. Things like this are really tearing apart the church here. There's so much gossip being passed around and arguments over this and that. So ALL THAT TO SAY....please pray for the church here! They're working on appointing a pastor, so hopefully that will unite them and get them going in positive direction!

Thanks so much for your support!

For Christ and His glory,
Lindsey Kae


  1. I happen to think you are an excellent blogger, miss Lindsey. :) And WOOOoow... what a bunch of messy church stuff... I'll be praying.

  2. Good to hear news, even if there are no pictures. But I am really holding out for Jordan coming through with the LEGS one! =}

    We will certainly pray for the church there. Seems churches everywhere are struggling or fighting over the same issues. Nothing new under the sun. However, the Son can shine the light in dark places and open peoples eyes to the truth! And many of us believers need to practice grace and love with the truth. There is much joy and freedom to be experienced in the Lord!

    Love you two....Mama

  3. So sad!!! Sounds like my growing up years!! Thank God, He has opened our eyes to the TRUTH of His Word... It' amazing to rest in the finished work of Jesus!!! Keep shining your light Lindsey and Jordan!! You are in our prayers ....Daily!!!! Lots of love Grandma Ann

  4. Thanks for posting! We will sure be praying for you and Jordan and Dan and the work that is being accomplished for the sake of church. IN season, out of season, be prepared to preach the word Lindsey, and that is what you have done with your post. I am anxious to see pictures of your handiwork with a router, and the sanders!! That is cool to work on those items, the people will be sitting on your work for years!!

    God Bless you! Love and Miss you guys - Dad

  5. The devil has always been very aggressive when it comes to destroying the lives of pastor's families! When the saints are discouraged that is always what the people who need the Lord see first. We need to pray that thru the experiences you & Jordan are having people will see the love that you have for Jesus & His church! Can't wait to get to hug you all again!
